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Wednesday 11 May 2016

Summer Art Inspiration

Whooo! The summer term is here! :) It's always an enjoyable term, the standardised tests are done, books (nearly) finished and there is more space to incorporate fun lessons into the timetable!

Here are some ideas that may be of use!

Underwater projects

This can be completed as a group on a noticeboard, or individually in shoeboxes. The children painted the shoebox and created the background. Mermaids and coral were made with plasticine and fish were hung from the top of the box with thread. 

Beach Scenes

My favourite thing to do is beach-comb in the summer. Sand, shells and seaweed can all be a great addition to any art project!

I gave each child a section of a photograph. They stuck it on the page- wherever they liked and added to the photo.

Here are some ideas I found online:



I loved the idea of imagining the reflections in the sunglasses! This would be great to link with sun safety. My first class loved learning about how their eyes work! 

The Ocean

While these are made with prints, the children would really enjoy painting pictures of mermaids- especially if you have some metallic paint to add some shimmer. 

How about making mermaid tails and/or shark fins and incorporating it into a drama lesson?! These could be really simple- cut out from large sheets of paper.


Tearing paper is really effective when creating a sea scene.


Link fish art with the book "The Rainbow Fish".

Here's a cool project based on sharks!



Summer is a great time to teach the children about the importance of bees. There are some great resources about the life of bees. 


I liked the hive/ shape of the beeswax in this one!

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