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Sunday 10 April 2016

School Self Evaluation Visual Art

Our union has placed an embargo on SSE paperwork at the moment, but the Department of Education are requesting that SSE forms a part of their summer CPD courses. 

Teaching and Learning in Visual Arts:

Three themes:

Learner Outcomes:
Purely curriculum learning outcomes.
Checklists that I have posted could be used- these are purely curriculum objectives.

Learner Experience:
Learner environment, Engagement in learning, Learning to learn.
Using questionnaires will help gather evidence. The PDST website has a great tutorial to create an online survey- http://cmsnew.pdst.ie/SSEResources#Google Forms

Teacher's Practice:
Preparation, Teaching approaches, Management of pupils, and Assessment (http://clairesprimaryschoolart.blogspot.ie/2015/08/assessing-art.html)

Then there are six steps to the SSE process:

1) Gather Evidence (consider developing, analysing, comparing, discussing surveys, interviews, self-reflection, team-teaching, copies, samples of work, tests, cuntaisí míosula)

2) Analyse Evidence (using evaluation criteria outlined in SSE document in link below)

3) Draw Conclusions (strengths, weaknesses, areas for improvement)

4) SSE Report (Focus of evaluation, context, findings, strengths, areas for improvement, legislative requirements)

5) School Improvement Plan (targets, actions, person(s) responsible, measurable outcomes, timeframe, review date)

6) Implement Actions and Monitor Targets (actions at class level, actions at school level, progress on targets and changes)

Sample reports and plans are available here: http://cmsnew.pdst.ie/SSEResources

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